Friday, June 11, 2010

Lesson from Esther

Esther, as a young lady probably had great plans for herself. She probably had her own dreams and desires. But God had something else in mind. She was put into a situation that she had not chosen. A situation that could have been life threatening. She must have been so discouraged not being able to openly live her faith and fearful that someone would find out who she really was. Perhaps she even felt separated from God. But she sought her Lord and followed His leading. And God used her in a great way.
What situation has God put you in that you did not choose?
Find a way to flourish there. You never know what may come of it.


Life is full of disappointment,
Life is full of trials,
Life is full of discouragement,
And frustration with every mile,
Life is full of heart ache,
And life is full of fear,
And as we try and try some more,
We always seem to fail,
But when life has given you all it can,
And you have no words to speak,
Just start walking through the woods,
And sit beside the creek,
Your life has been poured out,
And you feel unusable and week,
You know you can not talk with God,
So sit and softly sing,
And when your heart brings forth,
A simple melody,
Your voice will raise and raise some more,
With praises to The King,
And when His hurting children,
Praise His Holy name,
It fills His heart with gladness,
And the blessings begin to rain.