Thursday, June 17, 2010

Change A Childs Life

There is such a rise in youth violence and crime today, we need to reach those young children with the gospel before they have a chance to become involved in sinful practices such as drugs, alcohol, pornography or gangs.
There are so many children out there that seem to be forgotten. We need to reach those children while they are still young enough to listen.
Take the time out of your schedules to love a child; even if you don't have one of your own. We can turn the world upside down, one child at a time. Acts 17:6b

Everyone’s a child inside
And though we grow older in body,
Our spirits never age
A childlike faith we seek as we journey through this life,
We seek, and search for answers,
But the truth is always near,
When inside our selves a child appears,
Deep in our hearts we run and play,
Even as were working hard to pass the day,
Oh to be a carefree child,
What perfectness what bliss,
Even though our body’s age,
That child we used to be is still right there,
Deep inside just bursting at the seems,
So do not fear, things have not changed,
Your still the very same,
So enjoy the child you are inside
And know you’re only as old as your spirit feels.